Sunday Morning

Purpose Flowers RaptureHappy Sunday!

The morning started out like all my Sunday mornings, coffee in hand and watching Today with Willie Geist.  This morning he had a story about a little boy about 10 years old who helped out on the family farm.  What a guy.  He is apparently a major Cubs fan and watches all their games.  The ones that come on after his bedtime?  He records them for later.  The video shows the dad presenting his son with “tickets” to an upcoming Cubs game at Wrigley Field.  The young cubs fan was in shock and disbelief and began to cry.  I dare any mother to watch that and not be moved.  The next thing I know, I’m crying too.  Then a couple of Cubs’ players hear about the story and one gives the little boy batting practice tickets ON THE FIELD with the players and another one insists that they seat in his private seats.  When Willie comes back on, Dylan Dreyer his cohost is wiping tears too and Willie says to her, “mom tears.”  I had no idea that had a name.  Mom tears!  I use them all the time.  Thanks for the lesson Willie and go Cubs.

I finish wiping away the last tears when my husband asked me a “fashion” question.  Do you look slimmer wearing a fabric with vertical stripes or horizontal stripes?  Well that is simple, vertical stripes. Nope he tells me.  He is reading an article in Popular Science that says horizontal stripes make you look thinner.  I don’t know.  When did Popular Science go to fashion school?  What do you think?   Horizontal or vertical.

At 8 a.m., I switch to CBS Sunday Morning.  Today was an episode about Sheryl Sandberg.  You know, the woman who runs Facebook.  I have admired her for years.  Did you know that her husband died a couple of years ago?  Died of a heart attack while exercising.  Where have I been?  She began to talk about it and how she and her family have coped.  Periodically her voice would crack and she was trying so hard not to cry.  Every time she tried to get through telling us something through tears, I found myself shedding tears yet again.   I’m thinking these were “wife tears” or a combination of mom & wife tears.  She has written a book on helping people get through grief and learning that you may have to go with “plan B.”

Got the tears stopped again and my husband informs me that he is about to stink up the house with the smell of bacon.   Great, one of my favorite foods, bacon.  Just the smell of it sends my system into overdrive.  Apparently he needs to crisp up a pound of bacon for a dish that will be made later in the week.  Why the warning?  Well, he knows I LOVE bacon and I could eat the entire pound.  But I am also trying to eat better and drop a few pounds.  A few minutes the house is blanketed with the wonderful aroma of bacon.  Oh my, I may need to go outside.  Never fear, my husband comes to my rescue; one piece of bacon and only 40 calories!  Thanks honey, I love you.

Now it’s time to get up and get ready for church.  Wonder what Father Mike is going to tell us today?  Since my senses seem to be wide open this morning, I’m sure I’ll learn something.  Hoping it doesn’t make me cry.  That seems to be a trend this morning.

Have a great week.