Slick Willies

Mountain Storm BrewingWe all have people in our lives that I will refer to as “slick willies”. Nothing sticks to them. These are people that will NEVER and I mean NEVER take responsibility for their actions. Whether it is at work, at church, at social functions, your family or within your inner circle of friends, there’s always one or two of them lurking around. Whenever you call their hand on something, it is never their fault. They deflect the blame to anyone other than themselves. The more they get by with, the more proficient they become. It is almost like a game or better yet, it is in their job descriptions or just their standard operating procedure.

Sometimes these people are people in your community who should be highly respected or may have positions of leadership so when they pull out their “Slick Willie act,” it really can be a blow to your psyche. If you have these people at your workplace, they are the ones who will not adhere to deadlines, won’t follow instructions and they don’t care if your job is on the line because of what they refuse to do. And when you try to have a conversation with them about it, they just put on their raincoat so whatever you say will slide off and not penetrate and the game continues.

Ok, I feel better and I’m moving on.

Stay At Home Moms – Hardest Job in the World

Water Trees

I have just returned from spending four full days of witnessing the hardest job in the world, that of a stay-at-home mom.  I have always wondered what it would have been like if I could have stayed home and taken care of my kids as they grew up, instead of sending them to day care while I worked a full-time job.  My circumstances never afforded me that opportunity, but yet I have always dreamed of it.  I’m thinking now that maybe God knew what he was doing when that was not an opportunity for me.  I am pretty sure that during that time of my life, it would have been a disaster.

My daughter and her husband have made the decision for my daughter to be a stay at home mom.  She loves it 95% of the time and that is what she wants to do.  Well let me tell you, I am exhausted just watching the activities in that house for the last four days.  First off, a stay at home mom IS NEVER OFF THE CLOCK.  From before the first child opens their eyes in the morning until the last dish is put in the dishwasher well after they have gone to bed, she is NEVER off duty.  Now some might say that a mother working outside the home has it just as hard and I would agree, but it’s a different kind of hard.  I was one of those mothers working outside the home.  I still had to come home and cook dinner, wash clothes, clean the house, bathe kids and get them to bed every night, in addition to working a full-time job.  I remember being stressed about it because I had NO help, just me, all me, all the time.  Let me be clear, BOTH circumstances are difficult and we all just do the best we can because we love our children more than life itself and they are our priorities for many years.

In looking at my experience and my daughter’s experience, the main difference I see immediately is that while I was at work for 8 hours, I got to talk to other adults.  My daughter does not, unless she calls me on the phone or gets a call from her husband.  While I was not at home, the house did not get any dirtier, no additional dishes got dirty and the same clothes that were dirty when I left the house that morning would still be dirty when I got home.  My weekends were when I “tried” to get caught up.  At my daughter’s house, you cannot keep up with the dishes.  By the time you get the breakfast dishes done, it’s time for lunch, and then before you know it, it’s time for dinner.  Toys are played with all day all over the house.  By the time you get some of the things back where they belong, they start pulling it all out again.  Sometimes she just waits until the end of the day when she can just do it one time, but that leaves her house looking like a bomb went off all day, which she doesn’t like.    My conversations at work could be, what did you do this weekend, did you see that movie Friday night, and what do you think about this or that.  Every conversation my daughter has throughout the day is trying to get children to eat, be quiet, pick up their things, play nicely, quit running, quit yelling,  let’s change your diaper, do you need to pee, where are your clothes, did you brush your teeth, let’s get dressed, let’s take a bath, let’s read a book, why are you crying …..  So I know when she calls me while I’m at work during the day, I know she is just needing to hear the sound of a friendly voice and the voice of another adult.

On a good day she tries to be showered and ready to go by the time they get up.  Now what I mean by a good day would be if she has had maybe 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep where she can physically crawl out of bed and make it to the shower.  Most days I think she would think she had died and gone to heaven if she was to get 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, let alone 7 or God forbid 8.   You know what happens to a stay at home mom when she does not get enough sleep?  One of her eyes twitches for days, her eyes are hollow and have dark circles under them, her eyes have no spark, she has less patience and many days are ended with a pretty significant headache.  I do not know how she functions in such a sleep deprivation mode.  The four days I was there, she was like a walking zombie, but she just chugs right along.  She is a trooper.  She is literally, SUPER MOM.

Bedtime is a very difficult process.  Molly goes down most nights without a hitch.  She is the second child and most of us have learned what to do and what not to do by this point.  My daughter is no exception.  Molly is gathered up with all her blankets, sleeping buddies, she waves goodbye, gives goodnight kisses and to bed she goes.   Miracle child.  Then there’s Max, the first child.  Max is almost 5 ½ and will not go to bed without a major conflict.  I notice that about an hour before bedtime it is as if he has been wound up like a toy doll and is just bouncing off the walls.  He knows bed time is coming and he doesn’t want any part of it.  He is so tired by bedtime that he is uncontrollable with many emotions that come into play.  All children go through the process of not wanting to go to bed; my son was the same when he was Max’s age and they do finally grow out of it, thanks be to God.  If I had a dollar for every time Max got out of bed while I was there, I probably could have paid for my airline ticket out there.  Now you can play his game and keep sending him back to bed, which is done with lots of tears and sometimes loud outbursts, which now become a problem because you don’t want him to wake Molly.   So if you are as tired as my daughter usually is and on the brink of physical collapse, after about the tenth time he has gotten out of bed, you just give in and go lay in his bed with him until he falls asleep, which is just what he wants.  Game, set, and match goes to Max.

So here’s to my daughter and all stay-at-home moms out there, you are all awesome!  You are doing an amazing job and you all have more courage and tenacity than I ever had.  To my daughter, you are an amazing mom, an inspiration to me and I’m very proud of you.  Hang in there, it will get better.


Venice at WorkDo you ever notice things from time to time that make you just go, hmmmm?  I refer to them as little coincidences, but are they?  Yesterday morning I left my house headed to work when a blue and red Pauls Valley Panther’s school bus crossed in front of me.  At lunch time I decided to head home for a quick bite and low and behold, that bus crossed in front of me again.  Seeing that made me think about all the other times within my day or week odd coincidences occur.  For instance, I have a little red 2007 Honda Accord 2 door coupe.  I travel to and from work on the same road every day at varying times during the day.  Yet, I always seem to cross paths with another little red 2007 Honda Accord 2 door coupe.  I know it’s the same car, because I have seen it so often I recognize the driver.  I never see that car anywhere else.  When I see it, I look at the time in my car and it is never the same time on any given day.  Wonder if the driver in the other Honda notices me too?

Sometimes there are people in my community that I never need or want to run into.  But guess what, I always do.  Is this just a coincidence or God’s way of telling me to put on my big girl panties and get over myself.  [Probably the latter.]

There’s this creepy guy that came to my office a few years ago and read me the riot act over something I had nothing to do with.  I just happened to be the person he got to talk to when he came to my building.   It really scared me.  Well would you believe that I see him around town all the time now?  And every time I see him, I am reminded of what is lurking under his little small-man frame, much anger.  Thank God he doesn’t recognize me.

Sometimes I like to send my husband cute little text messages.  I can’t tell you how many times I have been in the middle of composing one of them when he calls me.  Spooky and a bit unnerving at times.

I usually listen to Oprah on the radio as I am driving to work, back and forth at lunch or home from work.  And I kid you not, the show I hear at 7:40 a.m., plays while I’m at lunch and when I’m driving home.  In the exact spot where I leave off each time.  Bizarre. 

Numbers and dates are another thing I notice a lot.  Some number have meaning to me.  For instance; when 409 Cleaner came out, I thought that was cool.  The house number of the house I grew up in was 409.  The last four numbers of my social security card are the same as Keith’s, just in a different order.  My kid’s and I have always been drawn to the #2, I see it everywhere.  When it happens when I’m with my kids, we just look at each other and smile.      

What about the time Keith and I took a little trip to California?  We took a week and visited Napa, San Francisco and the Monterrey area.  We stopped in at Carmel by the Sea and were just walking through shops.  In the background I heard someone say “Keith”.  We kept walking.  Then again a little louder, “KEITH”.  We turned and OMG, it was Keith’s boss, his wife and another couple from Ardmore.  How did that happen?

I think my oddest little coincidence happened back in 1986.  I was living in Clovis, New Mexico and my daughter was four.  She and I traveled to Ardmore to spend a week with my parents.  My parents thought it would be fun if we took my daughter to Six Flags before we went back to New Mexico.  So we drove back down to Arlington to take in a day of fun at Six Flags.  We pulled into the park, followed all the cars around and parked.  We opened the door to get out and the car next to us opened their door to get out.  As I got out and they got out our eyes met.  For a split second it was no big deal, then we both did a double take.  It was my next door neighbors from Clovis, New Mexico!   

Over the past several years I have been more aware of those cute little things that occur that I can’t explain.   Are they coincidences, karma, kismet, cosmic happenings, or God just having a little fun with me.  Whatever they are, I enjoy them and most of the time, they actually make me smile.  Do you notice little coincidences too?

We are Camping, Kind of


DSC_0875After my father passed away last August, we decided it was time to sell our house and build our dream home.  We had been living in a small, but comfortable little ranch-style house right next door to my parents since 2007.  My husband bought the house and moved in a year before we got married.  His reason:  to be near my parents so we can help them.  Awe, made me love him all the more.  We told ourselves that we would stay in our little ranch house as long as my parents needed us.  Both of my parents are now gone and it was time for us to step out and move on.  Start that new chapter in our life.

I had been lusting after a lot about ¾ of a mile from where we currently live, but it belonged to someone else (my former boss).  She and her husband had purchased it years before with the intent to build a home.  Things happened in her life and her plans had to change.  Five years later she contacts me and offers us the lot at a great price.  We are in business now!!!  We had a house plan we loved and after a little research, determined it would fit on the lot.  A match made in heaven.  We started the process in October and each day that passes is a day closer we are to moving in.  But if you have ever built a home, you know that patience is more than a virtue, it is mandatory.

We were very fortunate that our house sold in about two months.  Yea we won’t have to have two mortgages.  But that does mean that we will be moving twice (bummer).  We still own my parent’s home next door so we moved in about 6 weeks ago and we tell each other that we are “camping”.  Well I don’t mind camping, but I really don’t want to do it more than about a week and a week would be pushing it.  We are surrounded by boxes and walking paths through the boxes.  One of the bedrooms is nothing but boxes and just a little path to the closet that houses my clothes.  I know where nothing is and can find nothing when I need it.  Even the stuff I kept out so I would know where it is eludes me.

We kept out a few cooking utensils too, but I’m telling you, my mother’s kitchen is a disaster.  I don’t know how she cooked all those delicious meals in it.  First off, I can’t seem to turn the correct burner on.  Yesterday I’m waiting for a burner to heat up when I realized I had the wrong burner on and was smoking up the kitchen.  It was a miracle that the smoke alarms did not go off.  Now I’m wondering why they didn’t go off.  Hmmm, may be something that needs to be checked.  Then there is the issue of its size, too small.  No storage and no counter space.   And the absolute worst part, NO DISHWASHER.  Yes you heard me, NO DISHWASHER.    I don’t like to do dishes and the hubs doesn’t like to do dishes.  I think we wait each other out to see who gives in first.  The sinks in this 1955 house are smaller than sinks today.  They can hold about 4 cereal bowls at a time and if you actually cook a meal, you are washing dishes and drying dishes and putting up dishes for about 45 minutes.  Did I mention that I hate washing dishes?

Then there’s the bathroom.  Yes, ONE bathroom.  One sink, one toilette, one tub/shower combination.  The hubs and I do quite the dance in the morning trying to get ready.  Invariably I want to brush my teeth and that same time he wants to brush his teeth, or I need to dry my hair when he needs to dry his hair, or I need to put hairspray in my hair and he can’t handle my hair spray.  Of course, there’s the whole issue of one toilette, need I say more. If I take a little longer in the shower, and I usually do, sometimes he runs out of hot water when he showers.  Oops, my bad.  Sometimes he decides to come in and shave while I’m in the shower.  Then I have no hot water.  Oops, his bad.

It is funny how you get used to the simple luxuries, so when you are without them, it is very hard.  Our patience runs thin some days and we just have to keep reminding ourselves and each other, this too shall pass.  When we can go over to the new house and see progress, it makes it easier.  Even though I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel yet and I don’t know how much longer we will be camping, it is exciting to think about the start of a new chapter in our lives.  So I guess I need to just put on my “big girl” panties and get over myself.

Can You See the Bigger Picture?

Winter in Regional Park 2This is hard for some people and I am no exception.  I have learned the hard way how to do a better job of this.  I have had my job for 17+ years and I love my job [95% of the time].  I think that’s a good percentage.  Not everyone can say that about their jobs.  I have been blessed with great bosses and co-workers.  We become more like a team or family, if you will.

My issues usually come into play when I get too emotionally involved in something.  It tends to cloud my judgment.  I can no longer see the big picture, just the one picture playing over and over in my mind.  I take things too personally.  Now we all want to be emotionally involved with our jobs don’t we?  What kind of employee’s would we be if we didn’t FEEL things, care deeply about things and strive to make things better?  Well I can tell you what kind of employee we would be, but that would be a topic for another day.  However, there is a fine line that I have learned to walk here.  Yes I am passionate about my job.  You could say that part of what I do every day is my “passion”.  It’s what Oprah tells us we need to be doing, “find your passion”.  I’m almost there.  I’m working at it every day and on those days that I’m focused on it, it is fantastic!

What I have learned is to look at the bigger picture, learn to play the game even.  There are lots of things that I have NO control over.  Actually MOST things I have no control over.  Sometimes my employment takes me in a direction I don’t want to go, but may be better in the long run or maybe not.  Not my call.  Sometimes I get a new boss before I’m ready for the old one to leave.  This has happened to me three times and I know when the one I have now moves on, I’ll feel the same way.  You get emotionally attached to these people you work with every day, you work hard for them, you want them to look good, you want your employer to look good.  You ask yourself, what can I do to make that happen?  Well what I can do is look at the bigger picture and play the game.

What I have noticed over the last several years is that I am a much better member of the team when I can keep the bigger picture in mind.  When I have tunnel vision, it’s not a good thing.   When I feel myself getting wound up over something, I have to take a step back and think.  I ask myself, what is the bigger picture here, how should I response and more importantly, how should I NOT respond.  If at any time my response to a situation can make not only my employer look bad or worse, make me look bad, I don’t need to go down that road.  Take a step back, take a deep breath, stick that chin out and look at the bigger picture.