I Can Start Running Again!

Running GearIt has been 14 weeks since my surgery and I am so ready to be normal again. I hope normal is an option. But maybe I am actually shooting for normal plus. Yes, let’s say I’m shooting for normal plus. I had my three month post-op appointment in Houston a week ago and saw neither of my surgeons. Bummer. One was not going to be there and had to cancel his portion of my appointment and the other one got called into emergency surgery. I still had the MRI and the hearing test and both were fine. Nothing has grown back according to the MRI [awesome news] and my hearing is no worse than before the surgery. I can live with that for now.

What I really wanted from that appointment was for my surgeons to brag on how wonderful I was doing and that my life could get back to normal. I wanted them to see what a great job they did. Instead, my ENT surgeon’s resident met with me. Now I could have hung around in Houston for several more hours until Dr. Gidley got out of his emergency surgery but I knew I was ok.  I didn’t need my surgeons to tell me that.  Besides, a girl does have her priorities.  I had a hot date with my husband to go dancing.

I have been really anxious to get back to running so I asked the question to the young resident. Can I start running again? He told me I could definitely start back, just to take it slow. No worries there. Slow and easy is my thing. I have put back on all the weight I had worked so hard to lose two years ago, so I am essentially starting over yet again. I am ok with that too.

The first thing I did when we got home was to reload the “From Coach Potato to 5K” app back onto my iPhone. I remember so well the first time I used it three years ago. Keith and I had participated in the A2A 5K here in Ardmore in 2011 and I literally walked 90% of it. I had never run before and had never trained to run. I had no expectations and we were only participating because Keith’s employer had encouraged all their employees to be a part of the event. So we did. After that we both kind of got the running bug and decided that we would be better prepared for the next year.

This is where my little 5K Runner app came in. Keith got us a home treadmill and everything. We really didn’t have room for it, but we crammed it into the little third bedroom Keith was using for an office. This cute little app starts you off with a 5 minute warm up and ends with a 5 minute cool down. In the middle, you learn how to run. The first time it has you run, you run for an entire minute! Do you know how hard that was for me? That one minute seemed like an eternity and I was breathing like a freight train. I will never be able to do this. My thighs were screaming and I was getting shin splints.

Somehow I got through those three days of one minute runs and then it got jacked up to 1 ½ minute running intervals. Again I would tell myself, I can’t do this! I remember the day I knew I was going to have to run for 2 entire minutes. I told Keith, “I can’t run for two minutes.” He just looked at me and smiled. He’s a machine and was already running his three miles pretty effortlessly. Let’s just say it’s easier for men can we? Little by little I continued to work the program and when I participated in the A2A 5K in 2012, I cut six minutes off of my first years’ time. The next year, I ran the entire thing. I did not set any land speed records, but I ran the entire thing. I had reached my weight loss goal and was feeling pretty good.

Now here’s where life and excuses come into play. Shortly after the 2013 A2A I found out that I have three bulging disks in my neck with bone spurs. My doctor told me to quit running. He said it was the worst thing I could do. I was so bummed. I had worked so hard and it was something I was really learning to enjoy. Of course this is also the period of time when my dad’s health was not great and things with him were consuming me. So for the next couple of years, my exercising was spotty and pretty inconsistent. In July of 2014 I rededicated myself to starting over with my health and in September I found out I had a brain tumor. The violins are playing very loudly here. Can you hear them too?

So once again I am starting over. My intentions are always good, it’s just the follow through. I can think of it like getting over an addiction, one day at a time. Oh and this week I heard on the news that sugar is as addictive as cocaine. Well it really was hard for me to not eat that hot roll and Santa Fe Steak House last night, so I ate it. Let me stop thinking about that hot roll and get back to my point, which is starting over.

So last Saturday I got out the shoes, got my iPhone, plugged in my tunes, turned on my 5K Runner app and I went out into a beautiful 53 degree sun shiny day and headed for the trails by my house. It was awesome. I did my five minute warm up like I was instructed and then my app told me to begin running. Yes, here we go. I started off [very slowly of course] and wasn’t even thinking about it. I had some good tunes on and I was looking at the scenery and I no more got started that my app told me to “slow down and walk”. Had it been a minute already. I’m not even out of breath. What is the deal? This went on for about 20 minutes; walk 2 minutes and run 1 minute. When I was done with the day one workout I was shocked. I hadn’t even gotten out of breath. That one minute seemed like 15 seconds. Maybe I haven’t lost everything I had worked so hard to achieve prior to my surgery. Yippee.

Since last Saturday the weather has been crappy and my training has been taken up into the bonus room where my old friend the treadmill sits proudly. She and I have met several times this week for my one minute bouts of running. This morning however, I began week two on the app and had to run 1 ½ minute intervals and I did it without collapsing. So exciting. Maybe the following week I will be at the 2 minute run interval. I know at some point it will get harder and I can’t wait.

I continue to move from normal to attain normal plus.  Next step?  Getting my hair color fixed!   I long for the smell of hair dye and to kiss this dishwater blonde hair goodbye.  I just have to hang on one more week .

Not My Usual Valentine’s Day

Blog Shawn

Valentine’s Day has been little different for me this year. I spent it alone and no you do not hear violins playing sad music in the background. This year I am sharing my Valentine as he heads to Texas to check on in his parents. He has a three day weekend, I do not. Since every day is Valentine’s Day at our house, I don’t mind sharing him with a couple of wonderful people. He did get me an awesome card that said wonderful things. My husband has learned how to really pick out a card. I would like to think that my daughter and I have taught him that. When she and I pick out cards for each other, we keep looking at cards until the words bring tears to our eyes. BAM, that’s the card.

So I give Keith smooches and out the door he goes at 7:50 this morning headed south. Today I will be my own valentine and will have fun just doing whatever I want to. Maybe I’ll shower, maybe I won’t. Maybe I’ll go outside, maybe I won’t. Maybe I’ll cook myself a gourmet meal, maybe I won’t. The possibilities are endless.

I think it is important however to begin my very special day with something routine: big cup of coffee, heat wrap on my neck, and most importantly, dogs in my lap. Now that is the way to start my day. Since I’m not moving very quickly yet, maybe I need to watch something I have TVO’d. OMG. Project Runway All Stars finale! I almost forgot. I can’t start my day until I see who wins…and I’m ok with who won.

Well I think maybe I should take a shower because I am planning on going out in public. In fact, I am going to go have a pedicure. My toes have not seen new nail polish in 6 months. Hate to admit that but it’s true. I thought about going and getting them done three months ago before my surgery but I just ran out of time.

Into the nail salon I go and boy there sure are a lot of people already in here at 10 am in the morning. I pick out a shocking pink color and head for the chair. As my toes are becoming beautiful again, I notice all the young moms coming in with their 4, 5 and 6 year old daughters to get pedicures together. I would have given anything to have been able to do that with my daughter when she was that age, but sadly, I couldn’t afford it. Now if you listen carefully, I think you can hear the violins playing sad music this time. To my right was a very nice woman probably a little younger than me whose husband brought her in for a pedicure for Valentine’s Day. Awe, how sweet. He didn’t even tell her what was going on, he just brought her in. She told me it was only the second pedicure she has had in her entire life. She was fun to watch when they were scrubbing all the dead skin off the bottom of her feet.

So now my toes look awesome and it’s time for my next adventure, Walmart. Now why do you suppose I would use the word “adventure” when talking about a trip to Walmart? I am trying to be positive here. In addition to being Saturday in small town America, it is also payday weekend, so I know I may be in for a bit of everything times four. I just hope I still have a good attitude when I get out of there. I have my list so I won’t be just wondering aimlessly, unless they have decided to rearrange the store since my last visit. OK, let’s look at the list, Tylenol [my new best friend], face wash, toothpaste, mascara [that won’t flake off into my eyes]….. Got it. Now that wasn’t took bad, let’s drift over into the grocery area.

I have decided to cook myself something fun on Sunday, a broccoli and mushroom quiche. I just have to pick up a few ingredients and then I’m done. Now we all know not to go to the grocery store when we are hungry but that is exactly what I am doing. Everything looks good and I am make a few poor choices, but hey, it’s my weekend right? Now to check out.

Today they had plenty of checkers and I was next in line with the one I selected. I’m almost out. I stand there for a few minutes waiting for enough space to open up on the checkout belt and I’m just kind of looking around. Zoned out really when something brings my attention back. My checker and the guy she is checking out are just chatting and having a wonderful conversation. They are talking about their jobs, he is telling her how much he makes ….. then he says to her, “You are really very unique.” She agrees with him and their conversation continues. Now for those of you who think he is trying to pick her up, I don’t think so. He is about as red neck country as he could be with a big wad of chew in his mouth, weighs about 300 pounds and his 300 pounds is spilling out all over the top of his pants. My little check out girl has gothy black hair, piercings in her face and scary eye makeup.  But hey, it is Saturday at my local Walmart.

The checkout process continues in between their conversation and then I notice that periodically she scans an item and I hear him say, “No that ain’t the right price. That’s on sale.” Now if I were the little checker girl, I think I would have to verify that. Not her, she just takes his word for it, enters the price he tells her to and moves to the next item. I feel like I’m on candid camera, so I just keep my mouth shut. Can you see my attitude changing? I need to take a few deep breaths. I am almost out of there….

OK home from Walmart and I need to eat before I pass out. I think I will have something healthy like spinach dip and multi-grain chips. Well some of it sounds healthy right? After a brief rest because that’s what I seem to need to do these days, I decide to go to the cemetery and put some springy decorations at my parent’s grave site. This is something I never thought I would do, but it’s interesting after you bury both of your parents, you find yourself a little more open minded to it. I had bought some cute little garden decorations at Hobby Lobby last weekend and all I could think was that my mom would love it. Of course this trip made me a bit weepy, but that’s ok. No better time to honor my very first Valentine, my dad and his valentine, my mom.

Well I’m back home now and the dogs and I are out on the back patio enjoying this beautiful day, fresh air and the fireplace. Not sure what else I have in store for myself, but I’m thinking a few episodes of House of Cards, some HGTV and maybe a glass of wine. Tomorrow our weekend will continue with lots of laundry, my EFM reading and I may play beauty shop with the dogs.

Happy Valentine’s Day all.

33 Years Ago – An Amazing Thing Happened

Me and LoniToday is my daughter’s 33rd birthday.  I know she is cringing at the thought of that and so am I!  So today I am running my blog again from last year when she turned 32.  Sentiment is still the same.  I love you Loni bunny!


Today is my daughter’s birthday.  Each year on this day, February 6, I seem to spend a lot of time thinking about our relationship.  You see my daughter has been more than just a daughter.  Without even knowing it, she was my rock and the one person who got me through some very difficult times, just by being there. It began 32 years ago at 9:48 a.m., on a cold snowy day in Oklahoma City.  Oddly enough, it is a cold and snowy day today too as I head for Dallas to board a plane to go and visit her.  In 1982, I was a scared 22 year old about to become a mother and be responsible for someone else’s life.  I had no idea what to expect and then there she was. She didn’t even come into the world as I had expected.  Every movie and every TV show I had seen where babies had been born, they all came into the world angry and screaming. Not my daughter.  She entered the world quietly with those big blue eyes and little round face.  She was placed into my arms and from that moment, she had my heart and my soul.  Nothing else mattered. She was born 8 months after her dad and I married.  Nothing like finding out one month after your married that you are two months pregnant.  For the record, I don’t recommend it.  Those eight months were difficult.  My marriage was rocky and I wasn’t even sure her dad and I would still be together when she got here.  From the start we were glued at the hip.  Her dad was afraid to do much with her at first.  You know the whole “she might cry” thing, and he certainly wasn’t going to change a diaper.  And you know, he never did.  If I went to the grocery store, she went to the grocery store.  When it was laundry day, I packed her up we went to the laundry mat. Not long after her ninth birthday, her dad and I decided to split up and we moved back to my home town to be near my parents.  I was now a single mother of a 9 year old and a 3 year old.  She took it in stride as we began our new adventure.  She made friends quickly and she loved living in the same town with my parents.  I always say that my dad was kind of like her dad too.  We shared him and he loved it. Three years after my divorce and I met someone and was going to marry him.  She told me I should not marry him and I should have listened to her.  But what does a 12 year old know.  A lot apparently.  The next five years were very difficult for us both.  She was unhappy and I was unhappy.  We refer to that period of time as “that five year period of time we don’t talk about”, and we don’t.  That’s an entire blog in itself.  Maybe someday. When I finally got the guts to get out of the so-called marriage, I got my girl back and we never looked back again.  We have continued to grow closer as we age.  I can absolutely call her my best girl friend in the whole  world. She was even my matron of honor at my wedding to Keith. That one she did approve of, even if I did meet him online. I am blessed that we get to talk on the phone many times a day, we can send pictures and text messages and we have Face Time and when I’m really lucky, I get to see her in person, like today. She is married now with a wonderful little family of her own, 5 year old Max, 2 year old Molly and her wonderful husband Charles.  It was my honor to be with her and Charles in the delivery room for the birth of both Max and Molly, something I will always hold very dear in my heart.  I am blessed to have her as my daughter and I love her more than words can ever say.  She and Charles are going to get away for a few days and I will get to spend three whole days with Max and Molly.  Some interesting blogs could come from this.  We’ll see.  I love you Loni Bunny .