One Proud Wife!

Finish Line 2What a day! Today my husband Keith got to cross something off his bucket list. He ran a half marathon. But let me tell a little about why this is so special. Six years ago on March 29th, my husband was undergoing cancer treatment for stage 4 cancer in his left tonsil. Running in anything was the farthest thing from our minds. We were in survival mode. He had three weeks of two a day radiation treatments and weekly chemo therapy sessions left and let me tell you, it was brutal. Every day as I drove him to radiation, I was so proud of his courage to undergo the treatment necessary for him to keep being my husband but it also broke my heart because it was really taking a toll on him. It has been six years and thanks be to God and his amazing doctors, he is still cancer free. We are well aware of how every day is a gift.

So shortly before his 60th birthday last summer, he decides he wants to run a marathon. OMG I thought. He has been running 5K’s for the last several years and has recently bumped his running up to 8 or 9 miles 3 or 4 times a week. Even when we were in Houston getting rid of my brain tumor, he was able to take time out and run for a few hours. Later he told me that running helped him get through my surgery and hospital recovery time. But as we got closer to the event, he began to realize that he just wasn’t ready for 26 miles. Hey, there is no shame in 13.1 miles. Right now I’m working at just running one mile without stopping.

So this morning at 5:30 he is up, ready to go and headed to the bus to take him to the starting line. I got up just in time to kiss him bye and wish him luck. Got a quick text from him on his way to the starting line to tell me that the wind was up a bit out of the south, which might slow him down. I had to remind him that he was participating not racing. He can be a bit of an overachiever and is quite competitive. Oh and hard headed too. But that’s ok, I think I may have some of those same attributes. Probably one of the reasons we are such a great pair.

Shortly before seven my son Craig shows up. He’s excited about Keith’s event and wanted to be a part of the morning as well. We watched Keith’s progress on my Find Friends app. When he was about 3 miles out, Craig and I headed for the stadium, which is right by our house. Very convenient. We waited patiently and then we saw him coming down the road in his lime green hat. Then he is coming through the cones and into the stadium. We have our cameras out and we are cheering him. After he whipped passed up, Craig and I shot back into the stadium to see him make the final lap on Noble Stadium’s track and ultimately cross that finish line.My guys 2

As he rounded the first corner on the track, he rang the bell. The A2A Marathon is a fundraiser for our cancer center. The bell is on the track for everyone to ring signifying that they have survived cancer or are running for someone who did. When I saw him ring that bell I was immediately transported back to Houston. On April 24, 2009, he had just received his last cancer treatment, rang the bell at MD Anderson and we were headed home. I remember praying with all my heart that the treatment he received had rid him of cancer. When my thoughts finally returned to his final lap on the track, I noticed that tears were coming out of the corner of my eyes. This very brave man that I love more than anything was running a half marathon. He is a cancer survivor. He is living life to the fullest and best of all, I am getting to share it with him.

Snow Days

Snow 2.jpgThis is the second day this week I have been home for a snow day. I consider this one of the perks of my job, getting to stay home if the weather gets bad. There’s just nothing like it. I didn’t get to do that when I worked at a bank, a newspaper, an oil company or for the U.S. government on an air force base. Even better yet, I don’t have to make that decision on whether we have school or not, I just get to participate.

Now if you can’t tell, I enjoy snow days. Being in my warm home, hanging with the dogs, cooking, piddling in my office, it’s all good. They are mental health days for me for sure. An unexpected day off without being sick or having anything planned. Just a quiet day at home to rest, relax, cook, do laundry or not do laundry, shower or not shower. You get the point.

When I left work on Tuesday, it was the consensus that we could be out two days if everything the National Weather Service was telling us came true. Of course this is Oklahoma and you just never really know what the weather will do. My weather app on my phone was telling us one thing and the National Weather Service in Norman was telling us something else. Their outlook was far graver than what the app on my phone was saying. Alas my boss listened to the National Weather Service and our local emergency management center and my school and most schools in the state took off on Wednesday. Always better to err on the side of caution. FYI, my cell phone app was more correct than the National Weather Service for Wednesday.

So Wednesday morning I’m up and bracing for what weather is supposed to come our way. Well I need to get to Walmart and pick up a few things. I feel like cooking a couple of meals. Sometimes I actually enjoy being a housewife. I arrive at Walmart at about 10 a.m., it’s cold outside with some rain, but it’s still quite a bit above freezing so no weather yet. I get into Walmart and apparently everyone else had the same idea I did. Take a deep breath Marcy and just take your time. I began to notice a lot of children at Walmart. And why aren’t these kids in school I wondered. Oh yea, snow day. Duh. I work my way through the store, get my few items, trudge back out through the rain, load the car and home I go. I am now officially ready for weather to arrive. Well it didn’t arrive until much later in the afternoon, but when it did, WOW.

I got all caught up on my DVR watching, did a little house cleaning and at 3 I cracked open a bottle of wine and began to make a big pot of soup. Since wine and I haven’t gotten along much since my surgery, it was a risk. I am pleased to say that the small glass I had did not give me a headache and made cooking much more enjoyable. By the time Keith got home, it was sleeting and I felt pretty sure that I was going to get a call from the boss that we would be out on Thursday as well AND I DID! Woohoo – snow day #2.

Had a great dinner with my awesome husband, we watched Justified and then caught two episodes of House of Cards season 3. OMG. I am hooked on House of Cards. I can’t get enough. I think I will have to dedicate a blog to Frank and Claire in the near future. Well it’s time to go to bed and get ready to enjoy snow day #2. I decided to take a peak outside and see what was happening. Somewhere between Justified and House of Cards, the sky dumped a whole bunch of snow. You couldn’t even see where our yard stopped and the street began. It was beautiful and so quiet and snow continued to fall. I stepped out onto the back patio and took a picture of the beautiful untouched twinkling snow in our yard. Next thing I know, there are two Cavaliers in the snow and it is no longer untouched and there are two little areas that are now yellow, if you know what I mean…. AND they are covered in snow when they come in. Time to go find the dog towel.

Snow day #2 has been just as pleasant. However, today I’m thinking about what I need to get done at work tomorrow. There’s always a down side to being off unexpectedly for a couple of days.   The sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky and my weather app says it is 39 degrees outside. The snow on the streets is gone and hopefully this was the last blast of winter for this year. I am so ready for spring. A little after noon I get a call from Keith. He wants to know if I feel guilty being off on such a beautiful day. My response: NO.

Bluebonnet 2

I am ready for spring.

Long live snow days, but I’ve had enough for one year.