Starting a New Weight Loss Challenge for Myself

Just prior to my 52nd birthday, I challenged myself to get healthy and get rid of that 15 extra pounds I had been carrying around for several years.  My knees hurt, my hips hurt, I was bloated all the time and just felt yucky.    I am thrilled to say that I worked very hard with my diet, exercised and did manage to lose those 15 terrible pounds and I felt great.  I supplemented my diet with Herbalife shakes [thank you to my son Craig for making me try the product] and I began training for a 5K [that will get you to exercise].  I was so focused, tried to eat right, had my Herbalife shake every day and the pounds did come off.  I ran my 5K and yes, I ran the entire thing without stopping.  Slowly, but I ran the whole thing.

I was plugging along pretty good but noticed my stress level was increasing as my dad was suffering with dementia.  I began to notice that some of my exercise time was dwindling as I needed to check in with him more.  Then in August last year, I lost my dad.  I was not prepared mentally or emotionally for that (who is) and that rollercoaster of emotions because I had now lost both my parents.  I will tell you it made me feel like I had fog in my brain, I cried easily, ate everything and DID NOT EXERCISE.  In addition, my awesome “underactive” thyroid was just that “underactive” and it was having a field day just lying there doing nothing.  Obviously my meds may also need to be adjusted.  Well as you can imagine, 12 of those 15 pounds are back, just like a bad penny.  Does anyone really know what that phrase means, “like a bad penny?”  Are there good pennies and bad pennies?  Anyway, it is time to turn over a new leaf yet again.  When I admitted to my son [the health guru in our family], that I had put my weight back on, he very simply said, “Well, you know what to do right?”  Yes, Craig I do.  But you know what, it’s hard!


So I am tweaking my strategy this time and I’m saying it publicly so maybe it will hold me a little more accountable and from time to time, I’ll let you know how it’s going.  First off, I have two very dear friends that have made massive changes in their lives and have lost over 100 pounds each.  In fact, one of them has lost 150 pounds.  I am so proud of Kathleen and Ruth Ann.  They are my inspirations.  What seemed like an impossible task for them was achievable with their hard work and dedication.  Makes me feel almost ashamed that I can’t keep off a measly 12 pounds.

So what am I tweaking this time?   Well to start with, I need to better understand this calories in vs calories out thing.  To lose one pound, you have to reduce your calories by 3,500, so if you want to lose a pound a week, that’s 500 calories less a day.  Seems easy enough.  Well it’s not.  First off, how many calories do I eat regularly [too many obviously].  Secondly, how many calories should I be eating?  Each time I begin this diet process, I log my food intake.  I use for that.  It’s imperative that you know what you are eating and how much you are eating.  It’s real hard to log my food on days I choose to have a piece of Key Lime Pie or a margarita, but I do.  There are days, when I go over the amount of calories I have set out to eat.  And that is OK.  If you deprive yourself of everything you love, you are truly setting yourself up for failure.   So I know immediately, there will be days I will blow it.

Then I was reading an article the other day that talked about a person’s BMR.  What’s that?  According to Wikipedia, BMR is your basal metabolic rate and it is the rate of energy expenditure by humans at rest.  Now that was an interesting concept to me.  I never realized that there was such a thing.  So my mind is telling me that I need to know what that number is for me before I can even begin this process.  Of course the BMR calculator won’t take into account my stupid thyroid, but it would certainly give me a good idea.  So if I am at rest all day and do no exercising, how many calories do I need to maintain my current weight?  Wait a minute, I don’t want to maintain my weight.  Let’s start over.  So if I am at rest all day and do no exercising, how many calories do I need to maintain the weight I want to reach.  If I were to lay in bed all day and never get up, I would use up 1101 calories.  Hmmm.  So the next number it gives me is if I get little or no exercise:  1322, then 1514 with light exercise 1-3 times a week and 1700 for moderate exercise 3-5 times a week.  Holy cow.  Add some exercise into your day and look at what you get!

I know from all my other previous dieting, you should not go below 1,200 calories a day.  Less than that and you are creating other problems.  So I am setting a goal of 1,200 calories a day.  Now if I need 1322 calories for little or no exercise, that is a calorie deficit of 122 calories a day and that will take me 28 days to lose a pound.  Wow, going to be a little hard to stay motivated there.  Ok, the recommended amount is 1 pound per week, which will be a 500 a day calorie deficit.  How am I going to do that?

I will start by using my newest gadget.  I love gadgets so here’s my next tool in my toolbox, my Fitbit.  My Fitbit keeps track of how many steps I take in a day from the time my feet hit the ground until I fall asleep at night.  It also talks to   It takes my steps and my BMR information and gives me a pretty accurate estimate based on my level of activity, how many calories I burned up for each day.  It is awesome.  For instance, on days I am at the office and rarely get out of my chair unless I go to the bathroom and then I plop onto the couch when I get home, I’m doing good to get 3,000 steps in for the day.  According to my Fitbit, I will have expended 1455 calories.  So If I met my 1200 calorie goal, I used up 255 more calories than I ate.  That is awesome.  It’s not 500, but it’s not bad for a day I did nothing but go to work and come home and plop.  But on the weekends when I’m doing laundry, cleaning house and actually get out and walk like last weekend, I used up 1,840 calories and only ate 1,200.  That was a deficit of 640 in one day, clearly over the 500!  So it is a balancing act every day, but I am having fun with the statistics and seeing if my new method is going to work.  The bottom line is I have to move my body every day, I feel better when I do and it is beneficial to every area of my life, not just my weight.

So here’s my new commitment to myself.  I need to lose 12 pounds by eating better and getting some form of exercise. I am giving myself until next June prior to my family trip to the beach in Florida [I sure hope it doesn’t take that long].  I will not do this by crash dieting or using some diet product, but by eating better and getting the proper nutrition.   I will use food as “fuel” not as entertainment.  However, if I choose to have a piece of key lime pie or a couple of margaritas, I will.  I will continue to have my Herbalife shake each day for my guaranteed nutritious breakfast, lunch or dinner and have my energizing tea with mango aloe throughout the day.    Lean meats, fish, fruits, veggies and whole grains are my friend.  I will do my best to put on my walking shoes and hit the pavement or treadmill each day, or some other form of exercise to help me reach a calorie deficit.

In a few weeks I’ll report back.  Hope I’m still sane by then.

Mountain Storm Brewing

They Are Coming!

Max & Molly Easter 2014This time next weekend I will be in Mimi mode.  Yes, the Milligans are coming.  My daughter, the two kids and one of the three grandpugs are coming.  They have not been here since last July and I haven’t seen them since March.  Most of the time I handle them living 6 hours away ok and sometimes I don’t.  But when I have gone this long without seeing them, I’m basically white knuckling it.  The other grandparents retired and moved to within an hour of them.  That is wonderful for them and I’m glad that provides them with some family close in case they are needed.  I can’t pack up my life and move there but it is so hard not getting to be a part of their daily lives.

For me it goes much deeper than just not seeing the grandkids, sure I miss them, but I really miss my daughter.  For the bigger part of the last 8 years, she has lived 6 hours away from me.  They thought her husband was getting a job back in OKC so she and Max moved back to Oklahoma for 10 months when Max was very young.  We were only 1 hour and 40 minutes apart.  I can still remember the day she called me to tell me they were moving back to OKC.  It was right after my mother had died and I just sat down and cried with joy when we hung up the phone.  So for 10 months, I got to see her about every 2 weeks.  But alas, her husband’s job never followed through so they went back to Arkansas.  It was the right move for their little family, but it was a horrible event for me.  Yesterday Keith and I were in OKC and we went to a store that took us right by the entrance to my daughter’s old neighborhood, I could feel the tears well up in my eyes as I remembered that 10 months and then how much I miss her.  I guess I know how my mother felt for the 8 years I lived six hours away in New Mexico.

Technology has helped the distance between us.  We usually talk on the phone every day, some days multiple times a day.  Lots of text messages, many with pics of what the kids or grandpugs are up to.  There is facetime, because when Molly wants to call Mimi, she really means “see Mimi.”  I love it when I get a random call from Max when his mother doesn’t know he has called me.  Sometimes he will facetime me and he is walking all over the house talking to me, makes me a little nauseous.

Max and I have a special relationship.  When it is just the two of us, we have great conversations.  He can be so mature.  We talk about everything.  He also knows that I’m the grandma who doesn’t put up with much crap or antics.  He will test me, but 95% of the time, we are just fine.  I have learned with him that presentation of something is most of the battle.  If I’m drama free, he is usually drama free.  Then there’s little Miss Molly, the granddaughter I’ve been waiting for.  I don’t know her as well as Max and that’s hard.  I hope that she knows how much I love her and want so much to be around to get our toes done, pick out cute clothes and have long talks about nothing, just like I used to do with her mom.

And speaking of her mom, well where do I begin.  Words can’t really describe how I feel about her.  My heart aches for her, but I guess that’s normal when they grow up and move away.  We have always had a very special relationship.  For many years, she was really my only friend, the one person I knew I could count on.  That is probably not the role a little girl should play, but I knew I could get through the day just because of her. I was not alone in the world because I had her and for many years, she was all that mattered.  When I go visit her, we never seem to have enough time, but we make the best of it.  When she comes here. it’s never long enough.  It takes me days to recover after I have seen them because I never know when the next time will be.  Wow, this week’s blog is a bit of a downer, sorry.

So let me see if I can pull out of this mood I’m in  and move on.  I am excited, elated and can’t wait because:  THEY ARE COMING!

Eleven Days – No Cable!


When you are building a new home, sometimes you get so bogged down in the house itself, you forget other necessities. Cable is one of those necessities for me. Not only does cable afford me the opportunity to watch all my favorite shows, but it also provides me with the INTERNET! And who can survive without the internet these days? Certainly not me. Of course I have the internet on my phone, but who can see and do what you need to do on that little tiny screen? My 54 year old eyes don’t like my little bitty screen on my iPhone. I am ready for the iPhone to get bigger, but that is a whole other blog.

Another one of those necessities we needed and didn’t get until after the house was completed was gas. Yes, it’s good to have gas when you cook with gas, heat with gas and need hot water. That put us a week late in moving in because our gas company was, oh how do I put this, impossible to reach by phone and did not return calls. That would be the polite way to put it. Then there’s the cable company, who don’t want to come and lay their line until the gas company is done and the sprinkler guys are done. GEEZ! So on June 28 we officially moved in. We have gas, but we still have no cable. Cable isn’t happening until July 8! Apparently, I just need to get over it.

For the first couple of days, we were so busy moving furniture and boxes that the cable was not in the forefront of our minds. By the end of each day, I could not have watched TV if my life depended on it and I certainly could not have gotten to the computer in Keith’s office because his office was still piled high with boxes. I’m not even sure we knew where the computer was.

So what do you do all day and night when you have no cable? For one thing, I was able to unpack all my stuff and get VERY organized; until you ask me where something is. I might be able to tell you where I think I put it and I might not. Keith has really been testing me here: where is the … or where did you put the … So far, I think I’m doing pretty good in the remembering category. However, we do have a few favorite shows that I am missing. One of my favorites right now is Devious Maids on Lifetime. It is almost the end of the season and it is getting really good and I’m not getting to see it.  I’ve missed the last two episodes. My daughter called me the first Monday we were in the house to ask me what I thought about the previous night’s episode, because it was REALLY GOOD. I could hear her scream all the way from Arkansas when I told her I did not have cable yet. When she called me this past Monday, I told her I needed her to fill me in again because still no cable. We really love the “24” series which is also getting close to the end too. Keith has gone to his office the past two Monday night’s to watch it there. I’m white knuckling it.

It’s funny how you get so used to something and then when it’s gone, you really are at a loss as to what to do. I have tried to take it all in stride. I cannot ever remember a time in my life when I was without cable TV. As long as I kept busy, I did OK. It wasn’t until I thought I needed to sit down for a break or in the evening when I needed some down time I found myself yearning for TV.

After I got my office organized, I found a book I had bought that I had been wanting to read. Yes an actual hard back 600 page book! Now is the perfect opportunity to do that. Also, one of my favorite authors has finally released their latest book. It was supposed to be downloaded automatically onto my Kindle on July 1. Oops, no internet with WiFi, no downloaded book. I had to use a little strategy there. Drove out to Starbucks, sat in their parking lot, used their free WiFi and downloaded my book. Wooohooo. I now have two books to read.

In anticipation of the cable company coming this week, Keith got all the TV’s in the house set up and also set up the surround sound system in the great room. He ran to Hastings and rented us a few movies to test it all out. We are all set, now we just need cable. So it’s Tuesday morning, July 8, and we are patiently waiting for that phone call from the cable company. You know, the one that gives you a ten minute warning that they are coming to your house because you have to drop everything at work and go to the house. Keith had a very important meeting at work that morning and would not be able to take a call so I have his phone until he gets out of the meeting. Can you believe that? We are so in need of cable we have scheduled our lives around it. I even took the phone with me to the restroom at work so I wouldn’t miss a call. It has gone with me to other offices in the building and to the mail room.

Well it’s 10:30 and I’m passing Keith’s phone back to him.  Tag he’s it, waiting for the cable guy.  Tick tock….tick tock….tick tock….It is now 3 p.m., and I get a text from Keith.  “Haven’t heard from the cable guy yet”….  I NEED to watch some TV tonight so I just picked up the phone and called customer service.  Had to verify who I was by giving them the last four numbers of Keith’s social security number before they would talk to me and had to sign over my left kidney [kidding about the kidney part].  Finally got to talk to someone and she assured me we were on the schedule and they had until 5 p.m., to show up at my house.  Interestingly enough, not 15 minutes later, Keith get’s “the call” that they are on their way to to our home.  Coincidence?  I don’t know.  Squeaky wheel you know.

So I am happy to report that when I got home from work, we had cable.  I cooked dinner while the tv was on, cleaned the kitchen while the TV was on and plopped down at around 8 to watch some of my favorite shows.  Got good and comfortable on the couch and tuned in to some great repeats of the Big Bang Theory.  That Leonard and Sheldon can always make me smile.  Next think I know Keith is waking me at 10 and asking me if I’m coming to bed.  Hmmmm. I had forgotten how well I can sleep in front of the TV too.

The Wal-Mart Experience

I have been to my local Wal-Mart too many times in the last two weeks. We are in the back end of moving and I keep needing things, so it’s off to Wal-Mart. First off let me say, if you are in a hurry, don’t go to Wal-Mart. So here’s my experience when I’m in a hurry.

1. Park a mile away from the entrance because it appears to be pay day and everyone in my county is shopping today.
2. Grab a buggy, which of course has wheels that don’t all turn the right direction, it shakes like it has a vibrator attached and it is making a terrible noise.

Got my buggy, off I go. I have my list and know where I need to go in the store. Straight in front of me 10 yards out is roadblock #1. A group of people have taken the opportunity to get caught up an do a little visiting. It doesn’t really matter that people are stacked up all around them. So the 5 or 6 of us that need to get through have to find an alternate route. That’s always fun.

Back on the main isle heading for the isle I need. There it is just a few feet away, I’m turning onto the isle and there’s roadblock #2. This isle has 6 shopping carts already on it, but only 4 owners of carts. The other 2 carts, just blocking traffic don’t you know. Well I need things on this isle, so I turn in and wade through the muck with everyone else and work my way around the abandoned carts.

If you listen while you are shopping, count how many babies or toddlers you hear crying. As a mother, I’m real good at telling which crying children are pissed, which are tired, which are hungry, which are hurt, which are just brats. Can you? When you finally reach the crying child, sometimes they are blessed with parents who have no business being parents. As you go by them you can see the little looks in their eyes and the big tears they are trying to not let fall and a parent yelling at them for God knows what. Some of them are visibly frightened and it kills me that I can’t help them. I just want to grab those people and give them a good shake, among other things. What are they thinking, they are molding their little minds forever. Moving on……

Have you ever noticed that the isles are not quite wide enough? When I visit my daughter in Little Rock, her Wal-Mart seems to have wider isles than mine. It just seems roomier. Is it a conspiracy?  Is it because her Wal-Mart is in Arkansas, the “home” of Wal-Mart?   They also have a guy who greets you with a “BAM” at their Wal-Mart. Frightened me the first time I visited, but now I look for him and so do my grandkids. His name is Mr. Willie and he is an attraction all on his own.

I am always amazed at the different ways people dress. I am trying to say this diplomatically but not sure I can. Bottom line, if you weigh way more than you should, whether you can help it or not, you should not wear clothing that highlights the “extra” things you have, especially when those things are hanging over your pants, riding up your crotch or falling out of your blouse. Some things should be left to the imagination, PLEASE.

I have also noticed that we have a whole generation of people who like tattoos. Your business, do whatever you want with your skin, but really, if your entire body is covered in these “works of art”, wonder what they will look like when they are my age or better yet, in their 80’s or 90’s? Be a different kind of tattoo for sure. Two different images for the price of one I guess.

I also just love it when I am waiting in line to check out with young ladies standing behind me who have piercings all over their face: nose (OMG, the snot factor alone here), cheeks, eyebrows, TONGUE (really?) It freaks me out. I am imagining what my mother would have said to me if I had said to her that I wanted to get my TONGUE pierced or get a cute little diamond stud in my nose. Or hey, let’s get those big discs in my ear lobes… Yea, let’s do that…

Then there is the awesome checkout line, waiting and waiting. Lately I have taken a different approach to this. I can’t imagine standing on my feet all day ringing people up, sacking their items and then doing it again and again and again for hours. As much as I hate waiting in line, I feel for those employees who have to deal with all of us people in line, all day, every day. I try to be a little kinder to them when I finally reach the register. They are after all, just trying to do their jobs.

So bottom line for me, go to Wal-Mart when I have to, take a deep breath when I walk in the door, and just do it. Life is an adventure and a trip to Wal-Mart is no different.  Sometimes, it’s entertainment on a Saturday night.
